About Us
Board of Directors
An organization is known by its vision and the vision partners with only those who go out of the way to realize it. At Kolte-Patil Developers, we have a league of vision partners and under their dynamic leadership, the company has achieved highest stature.
Be it professionalism, quality control or integrity in the building and construction sector, they always put in their 100%. With extensive experience and proven expertise in their respective domains, they have played instrumental role in building future-proof spaces at Kolte-Patil Developers.
Mr. Rajesh Patil
Chairman & Managing Director
Mr. Naresh Patil
Vice Chairman
Mr. Milind Kolte
Executive Director
Mr. Yashvardhan Patil
Joint Managing Director
Mr. Nirmal Kolte
Executive Director
Mr. Umesh Joshi
Independent Director
Mr. Achyut Watve
Independent Director
Mr. Girish Vanvari
Independent Director
Mr. Dhananjay Barve
Independent Director
Mrs. Sudha Navandar
Independent Director